STOCKTON, CA-- California homeowners are surprised to learn the former NASCAR driver Jason Kerby has become a winner in a different race. Jason has become a successful business owner helping homeowners with their heating, air conditioning, electrical and plumbing. Homeowners are enjoying the benefits of Jason’s business J&J Services as well his commitment to give back to the community.

Jason Kerby’s grandfather was the reason he chose to become a business owner and entrepreneur, striving to be the best in his field…When Jason was a youngster, visiting his grandfather during summer vacations, he would enjoy following his grandfather around and watch him run his landscaping business. As a teen, Jason already knew he wanted to become a successful business owner like his grandfather and began his journey in order to make his dream a reality.

Jason tried his hand at various professions, including his own small landscaping business, an equipment operator. Jason’s grandfather’s business was downsizing at that point and offered to open a shop for himself and Jason to work on race cars! The actual shop was too large for their small company and so they rented half the space to an HVAC company.

Jason, someone with a strong work ethic and keeping that vision of entrepreneurship in his mind, ended up working for that HVAC company and was mentored there to become a team leader. Jason knew he was on the right track, tasting what it was like to be “the boss”, having the freedom to run your own business and what it was like to learn by even making mistakes. All this experience was setting the stage for J&J Services in getting back to the winners circle.

Still, Jason needed to get his licenses in order to truly know and understand what being a successful contractor is all about. He studied, took classes and over time became licensed as a California Contractor in Heating and AirElectricalPlumbing, and General B License. Jason also opened himself up to coaching and mentoring by Mike Agugliaro. Mike is a recognized business expert, author and speaker.

Jason, along with his wife Jennifer, his son Ryan and family, still lives in the Stockton, California area and are active in their community of Galt! Jason is a member of the Executive Board of the local Chamber of Commerce there, which supports a number of organizations such as the local food banks.

J&J Services proudly has served the San Joaquin Valley, Sacramento, Galt, Stockton and all surrounding areas of California for over 20 years. J&J Services all your home and or business needs including heating and air conditioning to plumbing and electrical. Every client is treated like family and every home and or business place as if it were their own.

See J&J Services on YouTube with Kevin Harrington from Shark Tank

 J&J Services  

Join us in the winners circle and call 209-600-7959

And you can schedule on line and or text! 


All technicians are fully certified and 100% trustworthy!


Reported Story by

David Douglas Brown

Written by 

Leah Brown Klein

Edited by NYnewsyork